Tēma: Visi VD simptomi (gan fiziskie, gan psiholoģiskie)!
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Whole Body Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your entire body.
Skin sensitivity (burning, itching, numbness)
Pain and aches (soreness, stiffness, immobility)
Tiredness (lack of energy, exhaustion, chronically tired)
Heart attack-like feelings (chest pain, dizziness, ↑ breathing, ↑ heart rate, tightness in chest, pounding in chest)
Sugar cravings (↑ hunger sweets, chocolates, candies)
Needing to urinate frequently(or having the urge)
Cold sweats (feeling cold or chilled, sweating profusely)
Feeling strange (feeling "out of this world", "out of body")
General malaise (almost like you have a cold or influenza)
Weight loss (and weight gain)
Vomiting (nausea, flu-like and upset stomach)
Hot flashes (increased sweating, dizziness, feeling warm or hot)
Weakness (muscle weakness, can affect any muscle)
Sharp pains (shooting and stabbing)
Buzzing sensations (humming sensations)
Allergies and sensitivities (increased allergies, severity, length)
Infections (increased infections and recovery period)
Too much energy(can't calm down, can't relax, can't settle down)
Change in body temperature (increase or decrease)
Change in sex drive (increase or decrease)
Pallor (pale skin color, most noticed in face)
Flushed Skin (red face, looks like embarrassment)
Feel like fainting (sensations of passing out)
Falling sensation(feel like falling thru the air)
Shocking sensations (feels like electric shock)
Muscle Twitching (common in face but can occur anywhere)
Numbness and Tingling (unusual sensations)
Profuse sweating (with or without exercise or activity)
Shaking and muscle tremors
Sensations of floor ground moving up or down (like an earthquake)
Night Sweats (wake in the middle of the night soaked)
Head and Face Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your head and face.
Headaches (frequent, can be migraine)
Pallor (pale skin color, most noticeable in face)
Flushed Skin (red face, looks like embarrassment)
Tightness in head (like a belt squeezing)
Feel like fainting (sensations of passing out)
Shaking and muscle tremors (vibrating sensation)
Sensations of floor ground moving up or down (like an earthquake)
Falling sensation (feels like falling thru the air)
Shocking sensations (feels like electric shock)
Hot flashes (increased sweating, dizziness, feeling overheated)
Weakness (muscle weakness)
Sharp pains (shooting and stabbing)
Burning sensations (in skin and muscles)
Tinnitus (buzzing or ringing in your ears)
Tingling sensations
Sore or tight scalp (tightness in neck leading to headache)
Sensation of pressure (similar to tension headache)
Muscle twitching (most common in face)
Muscle tightness or stiffness (back of head and neck)
Persistent yawning
Pulsing, throbbing sound in ears (often described as pounding)
Sensation that ear is plugged
Itchiness inside your ear (too deep to scratch and relieve)
Dizziness (lightheadedness)
Excessive sweating (most common in face and forehead)
Difficulty concentrating (inability to focus)
Sensitive skin (↑ sensitivity to touch, hot or cold)
Buzzing sensations (humming sensations in ears)
Eyes Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your eyes.
Itchy eyes
Light sensitivity (similar to migraine headache)
Difficulty focusing (inability to focus your eyes)
Dry eyes (or watery eyes)
Neck Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your neck.
Choking Sensations
Muscle tightness (or stiffness)
Tingling sensations
Shocking sensations (feels like electric shock)
Muscle twitching
Tickle in throat
Feels necessary to "clear your throat"
Sensation of "lump in your throat" (tightness in throat)
Chest, Shoulder and Back Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your chest.
Back pain
Tingling sensations
Tightness (like a tight belt around your ribs)
Heaviness in chest (like an elephant on your chest)
Heart Pounding
Shocking sensations (feels like electric shock)
Muscle Twitching
Stiffness in shoulders
Heart attack-like feelings (chest pain, dizziness, ↑ breathing, ↑ heart rate, tightness in chest, pounding in chest)
Difficulty breathing (feel like must force yourself to breath)
Chest Pain
Difficulty catching your breath
Heart palpitations (irregular heart rate or strange arythmia)
Tickle in chest (urge to cough)
Arms, Hands and Fingers Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your arms, hands or fingers.
Buzzing sensations
Tingling sensations
Muscle tightness (or stiffness)
Shocking sensations (feels like electric shock)
Muscle Twitching
Numbness and Tingling
Stomach and Mouth Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your stomach and mouth.
Clenching of jaw (or grinding teeth)
Stomach ache
Upset stomach (gas)
Difficulty speaking (lack of coordination in mouth and tongue)
Grating or clicking noise while talking
Sore jaw (can mimic toothache)
Belching (swallowing to much air)
Tingling inside mouth (like pins and needles)
Sugar and sweets craving
Constipation (or diarrhea)
Difficulty swallowing
Nausea (with or without vomiting)
Numb tongue (feels frozen)
Itchy tongue (twitching or jumpy)
Sensation that your tongue is swollen
Lack of appetite
Dry mouth
Abdomen and Groin Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your abdomen or groin.
Tingling sensations
Muscle tightness or stiffness
Shocking sensations (feels like electric shock)
Muscle Twitching
Change in sex drive (increase or decrease)
Legs, Feet and Toes Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your legs, feet and toes.
Muscle tightness or stiffness
Shocking sensations (feels like electric shock)
Muscle Twitching
Numbness and Tingling
Buzzing sensations
Tingling sensations
Still wondering what are the symptoms of anxiety?
The physical symptoms that can affect your senses are next:
Skin Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can appear in your skin.
Shocking sensations (feels like electric shock)
Muscle Twitching
Numbness and Tingling
Sight Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can affect your sight.
Difficulty focusing (inability to focus your eyes)
Foggy or blurred vision
Seeing things that are not there (like stars, lines)
Lack of depth perception (or distorted depth perception)
Seeing spots (with or without eyes open)
Hearing Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can affect your hearing.
Ringing noise in ears (tinnitus)
Throbbing noise in ears (pulsing in ears)
Reduction in hearing (or deafness in one ear or both)
Smell Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can affect or appear in your neck.
Diminished sense of smell
Taste Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can affect your sense of smell.
Decreased sense of taste
Ammonia taste
Metallic taste
Unusual taste
Touch Symptoms of Anxiety
These are the symptoms of anxiety that can affect or appear in your neck.
Feelings of cold (or hot)
Pins and needles (tingling)
Dull sense of touch (numbness)
As you can see above, the physical symptoms of anxiety are almost endless.